Seriously, if you guys want to know the Ins and outs of recording, check out this site. Although a tad outdated (last post was may 2008?) it has a lot of great recording tips and tutorials. I'll continue to learn from it for ages, hit it up here.
You need some way to connect your musical medium to the computer. This is where an interface comes in. Now of course it is possible to just connect your instrument through the audio in port into your computer, and it will sound just fine. But for many of us, who want to take our recording up a notch, an interface is a pretty necessary addition.
There are a lot of beginner interfaces out there, of differing qualities and price. I recently (yesterday) bought an Apogee Duet, which I love. Despite it's compact size, it is an incredibly powerful tool. It works seamlessly with Garageband and logic, and it is easier to use than a Japanese toilet. If you've got the money and your looking for something of high quality, with 2 inputs, I'd say go for the Duet. Here is a quick recording I did with it to demonstrate it's sound, and to show its easy of use, I wrote and recorded this within 2 hours of opening the Duet's box. It's not finished but it shows that you can do with Garageband and a good interface. The recording is on soundcloud. My friends by Sam Bradhurst
So today I stumbled upon a website that took me quite by surprise. As a fervent Apple user, the first recording software I was exposed to was Garageband, which has shipped with apples computers for a number of years now. But little did I know how powerful a tool Garageband can be. This website contains all kinds of wonderful tools and tricks to make Garageband easier to use, and the product of your labor much more pleasing. You can find the site here. Create and enjoy.
The internet is full of crap. And as an aspiring home recording engineer, I have found it hard to filter the crap for recording tips and advice. In my search for helpful crap in setting up, using and enjoying my meager home recording studio, I was unable to find any kind of engaging and up to date website to tell me all about it. So here is the birth of my blog, aptly named Atelier. Apparently "atelier" means workshop in French. Who knows, I just thought it sounded cool. So over the next few (insert units of time here) I will compile useful bits of information, sounds, downloads, pictures, videos, and articles to do with making noise, all for your enjoyment and or use. Enjoy and create.